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Environmental Policy
Environmental Policy
Home > Environmental Policy
To play our part in environmental protection, at the Techno Park Toyosato Factory, we implement the following measures to promote environmental preservation activities.
  1. The entire engineering process, including manufacturing and shipping of parts for automotive thermostats, spindle motors in office equipment, or cutting parts, will be conducted according to our environmental objectives compiled based on an environmental impact assessment, and all employees at this factory are encouraged to actively promote this campaign.
  2. We will review and revise our environmental objectives as required, and always seek further improvements.
  3. We will carry out our engineering operations in compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations, and will also set our own standards to establish environmental management procedures and guidelines.
  4. We will provide all employees with relevant information and educational workshops to raise awareness concerning environmental issues.
  5. We will implement proper management measures for dealing with toxic chemical substances in order to prevent environmental damage.
  6. We will make every effort to reduce electric energy consumption in order to conserve energy and contribute to further global warming prevention.
  7. To reduce the volume of waste, we promote recycling and reutilization of materials or products.
  8. This environmental policy is documented and is available to all employees, the public, and other interested parties upon request.
Tetsuya Furuta
Executive Director/Factory Manager
Toyosato Factory YANAGAWA SEIKO Co.,Ltd.
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Ibaraki Pref. 300-2646 Japan
Tel : +81-29-847-0021
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